
The Remaining Unconscious Filters - NLP Matters, Episode #042

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In the current season of NLP Matters, we have been talking about the NLP Model of Communication. This model encapsulates and integrates our physiological, psychological, and cognitive functioning as it explains how humans collect and process information through our 5 senses to make meaning and create our own map of reality.

In the last episode, we discussed the totally fascinating functioning of our 7 unconscious filters. Starting with– Time/Space/Matter/Energy, Language, and Memories. In this …

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Introducing 3 Unconscious Filters - NLP Matters, Episode #041


As we continue our exploration of the workings of the human mind, we can see why learning the NLP Model of Communication can assist us to apply our knowledge to create change, growth, and new behaviours. 

In this episode, we’ll begin to look at the unconscious filters which sift through the incoming sensory data we experience as we continually construct our reality and our relationships with others.

In the NLP Model of Communication there are seven unconscious filters that are key to how we as…

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Our State, Emotions, and the Role They Play - NLP Matters, Episode #040

NLP Matters - 040

We are now well on our way into our investigation into what NLP has to say about the totally fascinating workings of the human mind, and why this is important to how we think, behave and go about constructing our reality and our relationships with others. 

In this episode, we’ll look at the role of our ‘states’ or emotions. 

Over the past few episodes, we've been talking about the ways in which our senses and our mind combine to construct our version of reality. So where do our internal feelin…

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The Construction of Reality: Delete, Distort and Generalise - NLP Matters, Episode #039


In the past two episodes, we have begun exploring what NLP has to say about the fascinating workings of the human mind. Learning about how our minds work reveals the structure that underpins how we think, behave, and construct our relationships with others. It means we can discover how we create our reality. 

In this episode, we’ll discuss the processes that enable us to selectively filter the information or data that we then use to construct our own experience of reality. We will focus on 3 ke…

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The Construction of Reality to 2 Million Bits of Info - NLP Matters, Episode #038


In our last episode, we discussed how as humans, we use our senses and neurology to construct an internal version of an external reality. We also said that by definition each of these “internal representations” or “maps” are different and unique. 

As humans, there’s a lot of information available to us in the external environment moment to moment. So much that it’s physically impossible for our senses to take all this information in, and because we cannot process the sheer volume of informa…

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NLP Model of Communication and the Role of the Senses in Perception - NLP Matters, Episode #037


In this episode, we begin another season of the NLP Matters Podcast and start to delve into the totally fascinating workings of the human mind from the perspective of NLP. We’ll be examining things like what NLP has to say about consciousness, the nature of reality, thinking, and communication. We’ll start that conversation by looking at the NLP Model of Communication and the Role of the Senses in Perception.

Listen to the podcast to learn more.

Listen to the Podcast

Here are some…

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Presuppositions of NLP: Overview and Recap - NLP Matters, Episode #036


The Presuppositions of NLP provide us with a kind of code of conduct or compass that guides us as we use and apply powerful NLP techniques. Together, they form the ecological framework that ensures that the practice of NLP is constructive and expansive.

In this episode, we’ll review these presuppositions and discover how when looked at as a whole, we have a really solid framework not only for how we use NLP but for our living our lives in general.

Listen to the podcast to learn more.

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